


InsightMatrix adopts a rigorous approach towards gathering relevant data and conducting in-depth analysis of your company’s online and offline coverage using both qualitative and quantitative measurements.

Methodology used for the media analysis is closely aligned with international industry standard, which is adapted to provide local perspectives and relevant content according to customers’ requirements. 

Quantitative measurement involves computing the number of offline and online articles as well as social conversations in which your company has been mentioned against a list of key parameters using InsightMatrix’s proprietary system.

At InsightMatrix, we understand that quantitative measurement alone does not provide in-depth perspective of your company’s or product’s positioning in the industry. As such, we assign a stronger weightage for qualitative measurement to ensure that more meaningful insights can be generated.  

To enable our clients to benchmark their communications efforts, InsightMatrix assigns a total average favourability rating against their coverage over time or against key initiatives.

The favourability rating is computed against a list of criteria including

  • Tonality of article or online message
  • Key messaging
  • Media ranking
  • Reach and circulation
  • Number of mentions
  • Positioning and size of article
  • Visuals

With total average favourability rating, InsightMatrix provides you with a more accurate analysis of the effectiveness of your communications efforts by taking into considerations key qualitative and quantitative factors that contribute to how your company is being portrayed in the media and among the public and opinion leaders.